Clinician to clinician referrals can be made 24 hours, 7 days a week by calling Malvern Behavioral Health at 610-480-8919 or you can learn more information on our Professional Referrals page . Referrals can also be faxed to 610-480-8944.
We are in network with all major insurances and a self-pay option is available.
When making a referral please be prepared to present the following information:
Current clinical presentation
Chief complaint
Patient demographics
Emotional/behavioral/cognitive conditions
Emergency contact and family support information
Current Medications
Known allergies to any medications
Medications for known medical condition
Psychotropics, anti-depressants, etc.
Prescription medication to induce sleep
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) – including Suboxone and/or Vivitrol
Medical Concerns or History
Known medical conditions such as, diabetes, hypertension, etc.
History of or active eating disorder
Past or current brain injury
Assistance required with activities of daily living
Prior and Current Treatment Providers
Prior hospitalizations
Current treatment such as Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient Program, Partial Hospitalization
Legal Issues
Court concerns that may influence treatment or care upon discharge
Voluntary (201) or Involuntary (302) admission
Current Medical Status
Current vitals
BAL results
UDS results
hCG results (pregnancy test)
Lab results (if requested)
Health Insurance Information
Primary, secondary & tertiary plans
Authorization from insurance carrier is required for treatment. We can assist with the authorization process.
2020 Patient Handbook
We believe in creating a safe environment where our patients feel respected and are empowered to drive their path to recovery. Our Patient Handbook contains general information and guidelines that will orient you to the unit.