girl typing on the computer

Learn How Our Young Adults Are Staying Connected While Inpatient

Malvern Behavioral Health is an Inpatient Behavioral Health Hospital specializing in treatment for Young Adults.

Malvern Behavioral Health aims to provide compassionate care that exceeds your expectations and we believe that great care involves the whole family and/or other support systems. When a loved one is admitted to our facility, staying connected to them and becoming educated about their condition is important. Therefore involvement is highly encouraged. During these unprecedented times, our young adults are refraining from in person visits with family members, loved ones, and friends due to Covid-19. Malvern Behavioral Health is offering alternatives to keep them connected.

  • Family sessions are held by phone with social worker.
  • FaceTime and Skype can be used, during non-treatment times, to connect with family members and friends (these sessions are monitored).
  • Phone calls can be made and received during non-treatment times.