Lotus Program: Young Adult Mental Health Programs
The Lotus Program is an inpatient program specifically designed for young adults 18-26 years old. This program focuses on key stressors that impact young adults’ mental health by providing individualized treatment programs and behavioral health services.
Who Does This Program Help?
Millions of people experience mental health issues, which often emerge during an individual’s early twenties, with the onset of most peaking from ages 18-21. As brain development continues through the period of young adulthood, college-age individuals can benefit from treatment and resources tailored to this age group. Our young adult mental health programs are tailored to address these unique challenges.
We understand that this particular generation is facing things that no generation has experienced, such as screen dependency and the effects of vaping.
Key stressors that impact this age group include
- Social media
- Screen time
- Gaming
- Vaping
- Difficulty Transitioning to Adulthood
- Substance abuse
You can view our treatment program schedule here and our treatment information sheet here.
Young adults are experiencing societal pressure for excellence based on the portrayal of perfection in social media. Additionally, today’s young adults are struggling to transition into adulthood, a phenomenon that is referred to as “failure to launch.”
If these behavioral health problems persist, they can affect relationships, performance at work or school, or even the ability to complete everyday tasks and functions. We help young adults progress forward from anxiety symptoms, situational and clinical depression, mood disorders, and trauma through our comprehensive young adult mental health program.
Lotus Program Mental Health Treatments
At Malvern Behavioral Health, we work with each person to develop proper support, skills, and education so they can thrive in everyday life. Some of the treatments included in the Lotus Program are:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma
- Suicide suicidal thoughts
- Other mood disorders
- Substance abuse/chemical dependency (secondary concern)
- Early-onset psychosis and/or substance abuse psychosis
- Cognitive behavioral health therapy
Our trauma-informed care programs and recovery-focused trained staff take great care to provide a safe, comfortable, and therapeutic environment. Our young adult mental health programs are designed to meet the specific needs of this age group, ensuring they receive the support and care necessary to overcome their challenges.